Little drops of water, make the mighty ocean. It is right even when it comes to wasting water. From leaving the water running while brushing to not repairing the tap that leaks for ages cause a huge waste of water. Why? Because every little drop that is wasted is counted.
The main essence of sustainable living is a consideration for others. There is more to it than avoiding plastic usage. It is about certain choices or decisions you make. Reducing water and electricity usage, repairing your things rather than opting for new ones, buying and using eco-friendly products, and sticking to the three R's- recycling, reusing or upcycling, and reducing are a few methods that anyone can follow to start a sustainable living. However, in this article, we will discuss an important aspect of such a lifestyle, which is saving water. Water is an essential component of the Earth. The existence of the whole ecosystem depends on it.
Sustainable living: Simple Ways to Save Water
It is essential to save water for those who tread on the path of sustainable living. As mentioned earlier, water is important for living beings to survive. Though Earth has plenty of water, only three per cent of it is fresh water. The majority of the freshwater is trapped in glaciers and under the earth. Hence, only 1.2 per cent of water is available for consumption. Now that we have understood how precious water is for humanity and other living things, let us discuss a few water-saving tips to reduce water waste. Here are the simple ways to save water.
15 tips to save water for sustainable living

Generally, water usage is high in the bathroom and kitchen. Mentioned below are a few tips to reduce water waste.
- Check for leaks in the bathroom
The leak in the flush tank is not obvious. Hence, it goes undetected or neglected. Add a few drops of food color in the flush tank and observe if the water in the toilet bowl changes the color. If you notice color variation, it is time to call your plumber. If you notice water dripping from your faucet, close the pipe immediately after the usage. Do not delay in repairing the faucet or pipe leaks, because every small drop wasted leads to 50 gallons of water loss. T
2. Do not treat the toilet bowl as your waste bin.Putting sanitary napkins, cigarette butts, or huge amounts of tissue in the toilet bowl causes water wastage as well as blockage. The toilet uses six and a half gallons of water in a single flush. That makes 45 liters of water every day by a single person. Hence, it is important not to dispose of things through the toilet bowl.
3. Make use of long flush and short flushMost people are not aware of long flush and short flush buttons. Some flush button has two parts; small and big. They are meant for conserving water and help in sustainable living. If a long flush is required, press the bigger part or the entire button. If a small flush is required, press the small button. It is advised not to use full flush to dispose of the liquid waste.
4. Turn off the tap while brushing the teethDo not leave the water running while brushing. Turn it off immediately after wetting the brush. Turn it on only to rinse the mouth and brush. Using a glass tumbler to collect water to rinse your mouth is a good option. It saves water.
5. Turn off the tap while shaving or washing your faceAnyone with the right understanding of sustainable living never keeps the water running while lathering or shaving. Even a small step to conserve water is valued.
6. Use shorter showers to take a bathA shower uses nine to ten gallons of water in a minute. Therefore, turn off the shower while lathering up and scrubbing down. Turn it on to medium flow while washing it off. The simplest way to save water while bathing is to collect water in a bucket and bathe. Yet another alternative for sustainable living is to install water-saving shower heads. It helps to restrict the water flow.
7. Go for full-load washing in the washing machineA regular washing machine uses 35 gallons of water in a single wash. Therefore, load the washing machine to its maximum capacity. Using a washing machine twice a week is a simple way to save water. Shop Now for toxin-free Beco Laundry Cleaner Liquid, a clean start for sustainable living.
8. Do not keep tap water running while rinsing the vegetablesInstead of washing the vegetables under running water, collect water in a bowl and wash them in it. Rinse it once more in fresh water. This is an excellent water-saving tip. It also helps to clean vegetables effectively.
9. Do not keep tap water running while washing the vesselsCollect dirty vessels in one sink. Wash them one by one. This way the water used for washing the first vessel will wipe out the dirt of the remaining dirty vessels in the sink. This is an effective and simple way to save water. Lather up the vessel and keep it in the second sink. Once all the vessels are soaped up, you can rinse them one by one. This method saves water and time. Less water. Less effort. Shop Now for a 100% natural Beco Dishwash liquid that is ideal for sustainable living.
10. Water the garden in the morningPlants absorb water more when watered in the morning. Watering at noon leads to water loss by evaporation. Water long enough so that it reaches the roots and the plants stay fresh the entire day. In this way, second-watering is not necessary. Water them only when it is needed. Install water sprinklers away from where it does not need watering; for example, gutters, pavement, etc.
11. Mindful gardeningFinding ways to save water is most important in sustainable living. Add mulch around the plants to avoid water loss by evaporation and retain moisture. Another effective way to save water is to plant drought-resistant plants. These plants can survive long without water.
12. Use a sponge to wash the carDo not keep the hose running while washing the car. Instead, collect water in a bucket. Add the car-washing liquid to the water. Use a sponge to scrub off the dirt. Clean the sponge to remove soapy water and wipe the car clean.
13. Sweep off the dry leaves and other dirt on your compound.Always use a broom to clean the driveways, pathways, etc. Watering them down to the gutter causes heavy water wastage.
14. Do not play in the waterPlaying in the water is fun. Wasting water is not. Do not encourage children to play in the running water. Instead, use a small inflatable kiddie water pool to splash in.
15. Use a rainwater harvesting systemThe rainwater harvesting system is an effective way to conserve water and hence a must-do in sustainable living. Every single water drop that falls on the roof and the compound is saved using a rainwater harvesting system. The water thus collected is filtered and used for domestic purposes.

Finding ways to save water ensures water for future generations. Sustainable living is about co-existing with other living beings without harming the environment. The idea is to give more and take less. Follow the aforementioned tips to save water at home. Make them a habit. Encourage others to follow them. Choose a lifestyle that is beneficial to the environment. Save water, save Earth.